$11.65 4:00pm EST on 10 Jun 2004
Non-U.S. InvestorsIf you are not a U.S. person for tax purposes, you must return one of the following forms instead of completing the section labelled W9 on the back of the Share Purchase Application. Failure to return these documents may force us to withhold taxes at a higher rate than otherwise necessary.
You can download these forms and instructions on how to complete them directly from the Internal Revenue Service through these links:
Please consult a qualified adviser with any questions as we can not give tax advice. Nothing herein should be construed as tax advice. The Pennsylvania Avenue Event-Driven Fund is offered only by prospectus. The prospectus contains more complete information about the Fund, including fees, expenses and risk factors. You should read it carefully before investing or sending money. The Fund is not available to residents of certain jurisdictions or countries. |
Read Our 2003 Annual Report Updated Prospectus is now available